Vision Statement

    Teaching and learning with the internet is the opportunity to integrate pedagogy and technology to improve and offer more learning options for all learners. Educators can use technology to manage time, enhance teaching, and increase social justice. Students can use technology to learn through scientific-based programs to improve their learning and increase engagement. Therefore, using the internet as a teaching and learning resource also involves the responsibility to present content from reliable sources and based on learning theories. Students must receive the best and more honest content to build a strong society and better generations. 

    The use of the internet has various benefits and challenges in teaching and learning. One benefit is easy access to information at any time and from anywhere. Secondly,  learners can adapt their learning needs to their schedules to be more successful and meet their goals. Also, information can be found in many languages, facilitating access and understanding. One main challenge is the lack of access to the internet and devices to learn. Teaching and learning with the internet can also increase the gap of inequality and discrimination for the ones in poverty.


"Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society."

~Sonia Sotomayor

    Constructivism and Montessori education are the theories that resonate most with me (learner-focused). Learners construct knowledge based on their experiences, collaboration, and exposure to different environments. Students can learn the concepts by interacting with the materials. In my teaching with the internet model, I want to allow students to interact with real-life scenarios to enhance bilingual and bicultural skills. 


    I want to impart a bilingual pedagogy that resembles the tranquility and humanity felt in a classroom supported by an educator. I want learners to use the internet to be independent learners with well-supported programs made to explore and interact in real scenarios to support life skills.

Based on my learning objective, I want to incorporate resources from CARLA (Center for Advance Research on Language Acquisition) and technological tools such as virtual reality. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I appreciate your take on incorporating Constructivism into a Bilingual educational setting. Children learn much faster at a younger age and In my opinion exposing them to a different perspective of language, culture could be really beneficial.
    With that being said I am interesting in learning what strategies would you adopt to make that happen and what are some of the challenges that you are anticipating?

  3. I would love how to learn to integrate more technology for my EL students. I have at least 10 students in my classes who can barely speak a full sentence in English and they are 10th-12th graders. I want to be as helpful as I can in making sure they leave my classroom with the tools they need to be successful before moving on to the next grade.

  4. I also envisioned a more constructivist environment for language learning in my traditional secondary French and Spanish settings. I wonder how we can use the internet to provide or at least inspire "well-supported programs made to explore and interact in real scenarios" because I think that is both possible and essential, but I haven't cracked the code.


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