Vision Statement #2

 Vision Statement #2

Learning with the internet can only benefit those with the tools to use it. Curriculum designers, educators, and other professionals from multidisciplinary fields who create theory-based knowledge with the internet also need to incorporate responsive components to increase social justice. One way to promote equity in technology education is by incorporating the International Society for Technology in Education standards. Creating and innovating with technology in education must include "Equity and digital citizenship practices" to build a better community. 

"Leaders use technology to increase equity, inclusion, and digital citizenship practices."

Educators and other professionals must create high-quality education to empower students. This type of educational practice includes planning, equitable access, continuous education, and technological proficiency. Additionally, meeting the educational goals of technology in bilingual schools, such as accessing authentic bilingual and bicultural content, can also implement opportunities for students to expand their experiences and learning. 

                                                                 Credits: Quality Matters

Therefore, supporting immersion students in bilingual schools with technology must include equity and quality information from reliable sources. Students need the structure to learn from strong bases supported with learning theories and the resources to contribute to society in a more enhancing and respectful way. 


ISTE Standards: Education Leaders. ISTE. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from

Optimal Implementation of QM. Quality matters. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from 

Oyarzun, B., Conklin, S., Oyarzun, McDonald, J. K., & West, R. E. (1970, January 1). Learning theories. Design for Learning. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from
