Learning community engagement - Wikipedia Project


Learning community engagement:

 Wikipedia Project

Critiquing Articles:

I was surprised to find out about all the gears behind Wikipedia. One of the main eye-openers was the article evaluation. The opportunity to verify the accuracy, quality, sources, tone, and much more allowed me to understand and be more analytical when making my own contributions. My desire to add more information was also intended to benefit other learners. As my topic, "Translanguaging," is not well-known, I wanted to ensure that the sources and supporting articles were reliable to enhance the article. 

Summarizing my contributions:

Evaluation of the main article of Tranlsnaguaging was a critical tool to start my work. Then, I was able to observe what were the elements that were missing. Then, I added more sources to explain the meaning of native language and collaborative translation. I also added information to explain where this technique could benefit Educators in a classroom. I also corrected some words that were misspelled and included images. 

Peer Review

The two classmates assigned to me did a great job with their articles. I complimented their work and provided reliable resources to complement their findings. I also offered my viewpoint on the tone and helped with grammar and spelling. Overall, I was very impressed with their work, and it helped me guide my contributions.


The feedback that I got from my two classmates was very helpful. I got some extra resources and ideas to complement my work. I also got feedback from Wikipedia Experts regarding using certain words and the tone to make it less "opinion" and more informative. 

Digital Literacy

  • I was unaware of the vast number of contributors and all the revisions each article goes through. It was very important to participate in the project with profound meaning to teach people worldwide.

  • I also realized the importance of validating sources when reading a Wikipedia article. I was very impressed by the number of citations in the translanguaging article.

  • I reflected on the importance of reviewing the “Talk” section. I was not aware of all the information behind the scenes. I Like how people debate and provide their opinions to get the most accurate and less biased information possible.

  • Working collaboratively with other professionals to draft, review, improve, and publish this article was fundamental.

  • Adapting to new technology

Contribution to open knowledge

This work was like no other! Most of the assignments are forgotten. But this was a social contribution, and it was an experience to work with other professionals with a purpose in mind "help educate others with real information." This was an opportunity to understand Wikipedia and to observe the vast number of viewers that rely on this information.


This topic has a deep multicultural meaning. The discrimination foreigners have to bear for having an accent sometimes makes them forget their cultural identity and impose the mainstream culture. Translanguaging is the opportunity to use the native language to help make sense of a new language by using all their linguistic repertoire. 

Recommendations for other projects

  • Follow the timeline

  • Use the resources and training

  • The project is very extensive -(Work ahead of time if possible.)

  • Other classes could benefit from it 

  • Ask questions to the Wiki Edu project/instructor

  • Find reliable sources

  • Evaluate your sources
