Vision Statement #3

 Vision Statement #3

Learning with the internet must be aligned to build a more responsible community. One enhancement to my vision statement is the connection to a  professional learning network. This is critical to designing, teaching, and implementing research-based strategies. Learners need responsive and enhancing materials to connect their needs and cultural backgrounds. The Internet and/or technology tools can be used to support digital technological literacy in many ways. For example,   educators can use technology to build global connections to implement multicultural teaching strategies and resources to make all students visible in the classroom.

  Also, educational technology standards within dual immersion schools are critical. Students can learn to implement strategies to find reliable information and be more responsible digital citizens, including the bicultural and bilingual components. Also, educators can mindfully create digital-age learning experiences. Understanding students' physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development is a fundamental part of enhancing learning with the internet. The Internet can support digital technological literacy in immersion schools by allowing learning of other cultures and including multicultural resources in interactive platforms. Students can navigate, explore, design models and interact with other safe users even in different countries, to expand their bilingual skills.  

I can effectively and critically use the internet to provide adequate teaching and learning by first recognizing that not all students can benefit from technology, especially those with no access to the internet. However, I can implement strategies aligned with the Quality Matter organization to create and implement original courses with rubrics to ensure high quality and help build a critical learning community, and to increase inclusion.

I can also use the internet effectively to add value to learning concepts and processes by reviewing the sources and the credibility of the resources. It is vital to build a knowledge based on a strong basis. Students must be led to the reality of our current world and the social and racial discrimination some have to experience. Moreover, I can add value to concepts in learning by citing and giving credit to authors; this can also model respect in a learning environment for students of all backgrounds. 

Technology can also support those with the tools. The lack of resources will always be a barrier for the ones in need. Therefore, it is the educators, designers, and researchers' job to implement justice and help make all learned visible in society.

Going back to my personal learning objective:

Enrich bilingual learning through technology-  

"Technology can benefit Bilingual schools in many ways. One of the main objectives of this program is to Implement and facilitate interactive and socially responsive tools to empower the Spanish Immersion Curriculum and enhance bilingual and bicultural skills with easy access for all students." 

I have progressed toward it throughout the semester. One main strategy is the implementation of the ISTE Standards: Education Leaders.  As an educator, I have implemented technology and advocated to use of technology as a tool to expand diversity and inclusion. I have also used technology to teach me how to be a good digital citizen. I have created spaces for learners to use a keyboard to practice the benefits and challenges of using debit and credit cards and electronic payments. I have also implemented spaces for learners to research online and find information about the MN Native American Tribes from their official websites as reliable sources and other additional sources.   

I have also engaged other educators to use technology to increase equity. It is critical to set a professional learning network with professionals who are whiling to try new strategies and be more socially responsive to help students and multiple areas beyond the academic part.

Another element that has supported me in meeting my objective is the ISTE Standards for Educators and Students. Students are globally cooperating to learn about another culture different from theirs, to understand cultural identities to be more respectful and mindfully digital citizens. I have created authentic learning based on their needs with the support of a bilingual focus and the internet. 


ISTE standards: Students. ISTE. (n.d.). Retrieved  from

Quality matters. (n.d.). Retrieved  from
